About Me

The full name for my store should be Too Far East of Santa Fe. But here I am, rooted to the East Coast; a misplaced cowgirl. I grew up in the 60's and 70's when we wore "Indian Jewelry" There was no politically correct "Native American" and no recognition of different artists or tribal affiliations. No understanding of the different mines where the turquoise came from. It was just Indian Jewelry. I loved it then as I love it now. My first piece was a lightning bracelet with turquoise chip inlay that came from one of those catalog jewelry stores. I wore it for years, not knowing or caring that there was probably more plastic in it than turquoise.

I still have that bracelet.

But since then, I’ve gained knowledge that comes with having lived and breathed the Southwest. My hands have mixed straw into clay and added it to a centuries-old adobe pueblo. I’ve broken bread with Native American friends on Feast Days. I’ve taken in the stories about the hard life that happens out there. And I’ve been transformed by the land where their inspirations comes from.

So I share my passion with you. These are Native American jewelry pieces that "speak to me". Sometimes they sing out and sometimes they whisper, but they have to have something special that calls to me. Thank you for stopping by my store. I hope you find something here that speaks to you.